Kangan Institute Blog

5 Reasons You Need to Upskill

  Upskilling occurs when employees or employers improve the skills of workers, usually through training, to enable them to perform better in their jobs and to progress through the company into various job roles and opportunities. Upskilling opportunities can be found in a number of formats, from taking short courses or TAFE courses, to improving qualifications or gaining certifications.

However, in this day and age, the responsibility is no longer placed on the employer to improve the performance of their employees. Ownership must be taken by the employee, ensuring they are maintaining a position as one of the most valuable members of the organisation. If you’re weighing up the benefits of upskilling, here are five great reasons you need to upskill and should constantly be working and wanting to improve your performance.

1. Increase your potential employment prospects

The benefits of upskilling early, will give you the best possible chance to acquire new job opportunities and in turn improve your employability. By having an extensive set of skills, rather than only a small handful, it’s likely that you will be recognised as more valuable to employers. Upskilling and learning will give you greater bargaining power, allowing you to grow and diversify your skills at a more advanced rate. You will become accessible to more varied and interesting work, making it possible for you to explore and pursue areas that may not have been possible before.

2. Reduce chance of redundancy

With the increasing amount of outsourced labour and technological advancements mean more and more people are being replaced in their jobs. It is more important than ever to become an irreplaceable asset to your organisation, constantly proving that you have the skills and enthusiasm to be there. As business seeks to become more effective and efficient over time, employees who are demotivated are the ones that fall behind. If your skills are outdated and unnecessary, you may be the first to feel the burden. Upskilling will prove your determination and willingness to learn, as well as your passion and enthusiasm for the industry. This trait will not go unnoticed by your employer, as a little effort can go a long way! 

3. Make yourself future proof

In the workforce, there is one thing that is certain: uncertainty. Ironically, no position, company or industry is ever 100% predictable. If you take responsibility for your learning and upskill cleverly, you have the opportunity to accumulate a variety of skills in different areas, making you exponentially more attainable to an employer. If you are seeking to transition your career, company or profession, future proofing can really help to ease the burden.

4. Discover new passions

When you are placed in a situation where you open yourself up to new skills and knowledge, you might find something new that you love. Opening yourself up to new challenges and opportunities may just be the thing that ignites a new passion inside that you didn’t otherwise know existed. In these circumstances, upskilling is professionally beneficial, but it can also help to improve your personal wellbeing too.

5. Meet like-minded people

In terms of employment, there is one phrase that is used time and time again: it’s not what you know; it’s who you know. And while in reality, it is definitely a combination of the two; upskilling is a practice that can help you with both. Improving your skills and constantly working to better yourself can place you placed in situations where you network and meet like-minded individuals that inspire you to aim higher. Surrounding yourself with this kind of positive energy will instill great things, also giving you a catalogue of valuable contacts that can no-doubt help you in the future.  

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